Based on Allan Duff, the principles of translation must be following these:
1.      Meaning:  the translation should reflect the meaning accurately.
For example:
I'd never given much thought to how I would die — though I'd had reason enough in the last few months— but even if I had, I would not have imagined it like this.
Aku tidak pernah terlalu memikirkan bagaimana aku akan mati, meskipun aku punya cukup alasan  beberapa bulan terakhir ini, tapi kalaupun memiliki alasan, aku tak pernah membayangkan akan seperti ini.
(Source: Twilight and its translation)

I stared without breathing across the long room, into the dark eyes of the hunter, and he looked pleasantly back at me.
Aku menatap ruangan panjang itu tanpa bernafas, ke dalam mata gelap sang pemburu, dan ia balas menatapku senang.
2.      Form: The words order should match the original as closely as possible.
She hugged me tightly for a minute, and then I got on the plane, and she was gone.
Ibuku memelukku erat-erat beberapa menit, kemudian aku naik pesawat, dan dia pun pergi.
3.      Register: Every native speaker is normally in command of several different language styles, sometimes calledregisters, which are varied according to the topic under discussion, the formality of the occasion, and the medium used (speech, writing, orsign).
Sincerely yours: Dengan Hormat
Mouse: petikus
Copy: Salin
Paste: Tempel
4.      Source Language Influence: The translation doesn’t sound natural because it influence by the source language’s structure.
Charlie gave me an awkward, one-armed hug when I stumbled my way off the plane.
Charlie memelukku canggung dengan 1 lengan ketika aku menuruni pesawat.

"Do you remember Billy Black down at La Push?" La Push is the tiny Indian reservation on the coast.
1.      “Kau ingat Billy Black di La Push?” La Push adalah reservasi Indian kecil di pantai.
2.      “Kau ingat Billy Black yang tinggal di La Push?” La Push adalah tempat reservasi  di pantai kecil Indian.

"Well, honey, I kind of already bought it for you. As a homecoming gift." Charlie peeked sideways at me with a hopeful expression.
“Well, Sayang, aku sebenarnya sudah membelikannya untukmu. Sebagai hadiah selamat datang.” Charlie melirikku dengan ekspresi penuh harap.
5.      Style and Clarity: The translation should depend the style of the original.
"Well, now, you're welcome," he mumbled, embarrassed by my thanks.
“Well, sama-sama kalau begitu,” gumamnya, tersipu oleh ucapan terima kasihku.
"Wow, Dad, I love it! Thanks!"
“Wow, Dad, aku suka! Trims!”
6.      Idiom
·         Jargon: The specialized language of a professional, occupational, or other group, often meaningless to outsiders Example, deadline, kickoff, browser, and so on.
·         Slang: highly informal speech that is outside conventional or standard usage and consists both of coined words and phrases and of new or extended meanings attached to established terms: slang develops from the attempt to find fresh and vigorous, colorful, pungent, or humorous expression, and generally either passes into disuse or comes to have a more formal status. http://grammar.yourdictionary.com/slang/american-slang-dictionary.html
Example of Slang:
Bullshit: bajingan atau sial, buck: Dollar, and so on.
·         Proverbs and Saying:
Better ask ten times than go astray.
Malu bertanya sesat di jalan.
Empty vessels make the most sound.
Tong kosong, nyaring bunyinya.
Types of Translation
1.      Literal Translation: the translation attempts to follow the form of source language (word by word translation).
2.      Idiomatic translation: make every effort to communicate the meaning of the source language text in the natural forms of the receptor language.
Four people died instantly in the accident while six others died on the way to the hospital. It was not clear whether all the victims were passengers of the minibus, which was overloaded with 24 fishermen.
Literal translation:
    Empat orang meninggal dengan instan dalam kecelakaan, sementara enam yang lain meninggal di jalan ke rumah sakit. Ini adalah tidak jelas apakah semua korban adalah penumpang dari minibus, yang adalah berlebihan dengan 24 nelayan.
Idiomatic Translation:
    Empat orang tewas seketika dalam kecelakan tersebut, sementara enam orang lainnya tewas saat dilarikan menuju rumah sakit. Tidak jelas apakah semua korban berasal dari bus yang memuat terlalu banyak penumpang yang terdiri dari 24 nelayan tersebut.


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