Translation and Analysis
It was as if the world stood still to witness the joining of two souls.
Seakan-akan dunia berhenti berputar menyaksikan bersatunya dua jiwa.
The expletive it in the source text is not translated as the structure in English and Indonesian is different. The gerund joining is translated into bersatunya. The two words stood still are translated into one word berhenti.
Translation Strategies:
1.      Pragmatic strategy: Naturalizing
For example, the expletive it is not translated as the natural Indonesian sentence does not need a subject between quotation mark.
2.      Syntactic strategy: Changing a word class
For example, the gerund joining is translated into a noun.
3.      Pragmatic strategy: omitting information
Namely, from two words into one word are too few words.

Translation theories:
1.      Naturalizing
Larson (1984) stated:
Idiomatic translations use the natural forms of the receptor language, both in the grammatical constructions and in the choice of lexical items. A truly idiomatic translation does not sound like a translation. It sounds it like written originally in the receptor language. …”(p.16).

Newmark (1988) stated:
“for all texts—for the vast majority of texts, you have to ensure: (a) that your translation makes sense, (b) that it reads naturally, that it is written in ordinary language, the common grammar, idioms and words that meet that kind of situation”(p.24).
2.      Changing a word class
Alwi (2003) stated that “persona ketiga dalam bentuk –nya dipakai untuk mengubah kategori suatu verba menjadi nominal” (p.256).

Hatim and Munday (2004) stated that “Class-shift, then occurs when the translation equivalent of an SL item is a member of a different class from the original item” (p.146).

3.      Too few words
Nida and Taber (1982) mention that “There are quite naturally some expressions which are reduced in the process of transfer from one language to another” (p. 168).

Duff (1981) stated that
“This concern with redundancy might be considered quibbling…, it can surely be argued that the translator is doing the public a service by cutting down on rhetorical rhythms (p.24).

To be honest, as a youngster born and raised in Jakarta, I was not all that interested in ethnic music.
Sejujurnya, sebagai anak muda yang lahir dan tumbuh besar di Jakarta, saya tidak sepenuhnya tertarik pada musik daerah.
To be honest = sejujurnya
The phrase to be honest in the source text is translated into one word sejujurnya. The phrase to be honest consists of three words which are translated into one word sejujurnya.
Translation Strategies:
1.      Syntactic strategy: changing the phrase structure
Namely, changing a phrase into a word.
2.      Pragmatic strategy: omitting information
Namely, from three words into one word are too few words.
Translation theories:
1.      Changing the phrase structure
Catford (1965) stated that “In grammar, structure-shifts can occur at all ranks” (p.77).

Hatim and Munday (2004) stated that
“Changes of rank (unit-shifts) are by no means the only changes of this type which occur in translation; there are also changes of structure, changes of class, changes of term in systems,etc”(p.145).

2.      Too few words
Nida and Taber (1982) mention that “There are quite naturally some expressions which are reduced in the process of transfer from one language to another”(p. 168).

Duff (1981) stated that
“This concern with redundancy might be considered quibbling…, it can surely be argued that the translator is doing the public a service by cutting down on rhetorical rhythms (p.24).

Source text
Kerapian dan kecermatan berbahasa ini hanya mungkin apabila bahasa Indonesia itu sendiri sebagai alat komunikasi memang telah siap untuk digunakan secara rapi dan cermat.
Target text
The neatness and precision of the language is only possible if the Indonesian itself as a communication tool has been ready to use in a neatly and meticulous.
The phrase berbahasa ini hanya mungkin in the source text is translated into the clause the language is only possible. This difference in translation from source text into target text is to make the translation sound natural in the target text. The translation from Indonesian into English, there are adding be, like is and been, there is also articles a and the. The words rapi and cermat are translated into neatly and meticulous.
Translation Strategies:
1.      Pragmatic strategy: Naturalizing
For example, there are not be in Indonesian, but there is translated into English by using be. This because to make the translation sound natural.
2.      Syntactic strategy: Changing of  a word class
The words rapi and cermat are adjectives, they are changed into adverbs become neatly and meticulous.
Translation theories:
1.      Naturalizing
Larson (1984) stated:
Idiomatic translations use the natural forms of the receptor language, both in thegrammatical constructions and in the choice of lexical items. A truly idiomatic
translation does not sound like a translation. It sounds it like written originally in thereceptor language. …” (p.16).

Newmark (1988) stated:
“for all texts—for the vast majority of texts, you have to ensure: (a) that your translation makes sense, (b) that it reads naturally, that it is written in ordinary language, the common grammar, idioms and words that meet that kind of situation”(p.24).

2.      Changing of a word class
Hatim and Munday (2004) stated that “Class-shift, then occurs when the translation equivalent of an SL item is a member of a different class from the original item” (p.146).
Larson (1984) mentioned
“Translation is communicating the same meaning in a second language as was communicated in the first. But to do so adequately, one must be aware of the
fact that there are various kinds of meaning. Not all of the meaning, which is
being communicated, is stated overtly in the forms of the source language text “(p.36).

You better not never tell nobody but God.
Kamu sebaiknya tidak pernah menceritakan kepada siapapun kecuali kepada Tuhan.

The verb tell is immediately followed by object without the preposition, namely tell nobody. This phrase is translated into menceritakan kepada siapapun. The phrase tell nobody consists of two words, meanwhile menceritakan kepada siapapun consists of three words. The
Translation Strategies:
1.      Pragmatic strategy: Too many words
The phrase tell you consists of two words which is translated into menceritakan kepada siapapun consisting of three words, so there are too many words in the translated text.
Translation theories:
1.      Too many words
Nida and Taber (1982) mentioned on expansion as follows:
“. . . there is a tendency for all good translations to be somewhat longer than the originals. This does not mean, of course, that all long translations are necessarily good. It only means that in the process of transfer from one linguistic and cultural structure to another, it is almost inevitable that the resulting translation will turn out to be longer” (p. 163).

            Duff (1981) stated that:
“In good translation, length is determined by the structure of the target language and not by the number of words in the source language. Padding occurs when words are merely transferred without regard for the potential of the target language” (p.23).


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