Equivalence in Translation
Equivalence is the important thing that must be achieved in translation process, a translation product can be said successfully if the readers or listeners of that translation product do not know that they are reading or listening of translation product that means responds of the readers or listeners when they read and listen the source text is same when they read or listen the translation product. Equivalence can be said to be the central issue in translation. The thing that is found out of translator is the equivalence meaning from source language (SL) to target language (TL). The concept of equivalence nevertheless broadened out when the American Bible theorist and translator Eugene Nida (1964) recognized the polarities ‘dynamic equivalence’ (same function) and ‘formal equivalence’ (same form, probably with a different function). There were thus different kinds of equivalence that could be established, independently of whatever was considered ‘natural’ before the translator ente...