
Menampilkan postingan dari 2010


Walau kita sering salah paham... Walau kita sering berselisih... Walau kita sering bertengkar... Walau kita sering berdebat... Walau terkadang kita saling membenci... Walau terkadang aku muak dengan sikapmu dan kau pun begitu... Walau terkadang kita berbeda pendapat... Walau terkadang jarak memisahkan kita... Namun kau akan selalu ada di hatiku


Suaraku gemetar Senyumku resah Tangan dan kakiku pun Seakan menyatu Dan.... Ingin sepertimu burung camar Menyanyi dan menari di alam bebas Semua rasa tertumpah jadi satu Seperti hatiku yang lalu pilu terbawa sejuta angin senja... Tiada kata sendu, Tiada ratap, Hanya rindu yang satu Semua indah Bagai mimpi di senja hari


Ya Allah... Jagalah ibuku kala penjagaanku tak sampai padanya... Sayangilah dia kala kasih sayangku Sulit tuk menyamainya... Muliakanlah dia kala penghargaanku tak cukup untuk memuliakanya Lindungilah dia kala perlindunganku Tak dapat membuatnya aman Jadikanlah dia selalu hamba-Mu yang selalu Kau muliakan.


Tuhan, dalam diam kusebut nama-Mu Susah senang ku ingat diri-Mu Dalam kesunyian malam ini Ku mohon pada-Mu Tuhan, berikanlah aku waktu Untuk dapat berbuat hal yang baik Aku tahu Tuhan... Aku bukanlah hamba-Mu yang sempurna Kadang aku tak melaksanakan perintah-Mu Aku lalai... Kadang aku melanggar larangan-Mu Aku khilaf... Tapi satu pintaku Tuhan Berikanlah aku waktu lebih lama lagi Agar aku dapat membaktikan diri ku Untuk banyak orang... Sampai hembusan nafas yang terakhir Ku mohon Tuhan............


Kesal... Sebal... Bingung... Bosan.... Mungkin selamanya aku akan hidup dengan bayanganmu Aku akan menari dengan ilusiku Sukmaku mungkin akan tersenyum pilu Bila kukatakan padanya.... Aku akan tetap hidup dalam anganku Wahai aku akan tetap hidup Dalam mimpiku............. Yang telah memabukkanku


Hidup ini bagai dongengan Tali nasib tercelup warna hitam kelabuan Pegangan terakhir ini Di dasar gugusan-gugusan Yang dipertahankan Belenggu kenangan yang memabukkan Bersua di ketiadaan kita Merangkul sisa perih jantung kita Mengertikah Engkau??? Dunia penuh ranjau bersembunyi Dan aku di sini Selalu kesepian...............


Ibu....... Dengan Kasihmu, kau merawatku Dengan sabar, kau mendidikku Tak pernah lelah, kau melakukan semuanya untukku....... Ibu, dengan cinta tulusmu, kau membesarkanku Dengan doa mu, yang selalu mendamaikanku Tak pernah berhenti, kau berikan semua itu untukku........ tak akan pernah ada yang mampu menggantikan semuanya Bahkan emas berlian sekalipun Tidak cukup untuk membalas segala pengorbananmu Hanya terima kasih yang dapat ku hanturkan Dan hanya puisi ini kutuliskan Hanya untukmu Terima kasih ibuku..............


Tepuk tangan masih membahana di seluruh ruangan. Decak kagum orang-orang, terutama para kaum adam khusunya sangat antusias sekali setelah menyaksikan kami para perempuan penari menunjukkan bakatnya. Aku sendiri merasa lega akhirnya berakhir juga pertunjukan ini. Satu tugas sudah aku selesaikan, satu kesenangan akan berakhir, berganti dengan kesenangan baru. Ah, tapi apa mungkin hal itu terjadi padaku? Terkadang aku ragu apakah ada kesenangan untukku, dari luar diriku terlihat sangat sempurna seperti riasan di wajahku namun hatiku selalu sakit. Berakhir dalam kepedihan abadi yang mengalir dalam darahku. Ketika aku kembali ke belakang panggung, banyak orang yang menyalami dan menungguku. Mereka memberi selamat karena tarianku bagus dan pertunjukkan berjalan dengan lancar. Aku bergegas membereskan kostum dan properti lainnya. Menyimannya di tempatku. Besok malam masih ada pertunjukan lagi dan mungkin hampir setiap malamnya akan selalu ada pertunjukkanlagi yang harus aku perlihatkan kepada...


Pikiran gw kacau....gak tau mau apa lagi sekarang. Serasa beban yang menumpuk di punggung gw gak bisa dilepaskan. Bayang-bayang akan masa depan gw pun sekarang ini semakin suram, hidup jadi gak menentu akhir-akhir ini. Gw berusaha untuk tetap fokus pada apa yang udah selama ini gw pertahankan, tapi kayaknya percuma aja dech... Tuhan,,,apa yang terjadi pada diriku ini. Ayo dunk, kembali semangat ...ayo, tetap pada apa yang udah lw pertahankan...Kuasai diri lw...Lw harus fokus pada semua apa yang selama ini lw cita-citakan.Seakan-akan ada seseorang di dalam kepala gw yang meneriakkan kata-kata itu.... Tapi kayaknya percuma dech,,sia-sia aja...Kayaknya harapan gw sekarang udah abis...tenaga dan rasa optimis gw hilang...Gw butuh seseorang untuk memneri gw ketenangan. Keluarga gw mungkin memang keluarga yang harmonis dan rukun-rukun ja selama ini. Tapi gw gak bisa cerita ke mereka tentang apa yang udah gw alami ini.Masa depan gw yang masih panjang kayaknya harus berhenti di sini. Sialan,, d...

Teaching Reading and Writing

Reading can be seen from two senses: - A narrow sense: Getting meaning from printed material. - A Wider sense: Understanding the world around me. In literary, there are the abilities to read and to write, encourages a more abstract form of thinking,it brings greater precision to the definition of terms, and it allows us to refer back, to think about our thinking, to weigh arguments, to supplement memory,..., to communicate with others, and to learn in autonomous ways. No wonder such a powerful form of intellegence provides the key to success in school and beyond (Fisher:1990:5). Writing and reading are social activities. That is, we always reading something, written by someone or writing something for someone. These othjers are always in some relationship to us often materially or symbolically unequal relationships of power but always relationships in which versions of 'ourselves' and 'othersa' are implicated and constructed. Even those texts we read or write that come ...

Teaching Listening and Speaking

Many types of listening activities that don't require learners to produce language in response are easier than those that do. Learners can be asked to physically respond to a command (for example, "clean the whiteboard!"), select an appropriate picture or object, circle the correct letter or word on a worksheet, draw a route on a map, or fill in a chart as they listen. It's more difficult to repeat back what was heard, translate into the native language, take notes, make an outline, or answer comprehension questions. To add more challenge, learners can continue a story text, solve a problem, perform a similar task with a classmate after listening to a model (for example, pick up the pen), or participate in real-time conversation. Good listening lessons go beyond the listening task itself with related activities before and after the listening. Here is the basic structure: • Before Listening Prepare your learners by introducing the topic and finding out what they alread...

Night oh... Night

At the night, there is the moon At the night, there is so dark At the night, there is no cloud At the night, there is no the blue sky At the night, there is a calm At the night, there is no people At the night, there are so many bats At the night, It's time to sleep So Have a nice dream in your sleeping AND GOOD NIGHT ALL.........

Communicative Language Teaching

Background this method because the goal of most of the methods so far is for students to learn to communicate in the target language. The students could produce sentences accurately in a lesson, but could not used them appropriately when genuinely communicating outside of the classroom. Communicative Language Teaching aims commonly to apply the theoretical perspective of the Communicative approach by making communicative competence the goal of language teaching and by acknowledging the interdependence of language and communication. In this method, knowing structure and vocabulary are not enough. So, In order to communication, we need more than linguistic competence. There is needed Communicative competence (Hymes, 1971)-knowing when and how to say what to whom. The Principles of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT): 1. The goal is to enable students to communicate in the target language, the students need knowledge of the linguistic forms, meanings, and function. Communication is a pr...

Discussion of Total Physical Response

Total physical response has been named ‘the comprehension approach’, because of the importance it gives to listening comprehension; this method is a general approach to foreign language instruction. According to Winitz (1981), language learning should start first with understanding later proceed to production. Language learning usually emphasizes students’ developing basic communication skills and vocabularies are meaningful exposures to the target language. The students listen to the teacher using the target language communicatively from the beginning of instruction. They do not speak at first. The teacher helps the students’ to understand them by using pictures and occasional words. A new method from Michael Lewis argued that the lexical approach is less concerned with students’ production and more concern that students receive abundant comprehensible input. James Asher’s Total Physical Response is the principles of the comprehension approach are put into practice; understanding o...

The Discussion of Community Language Learning

This method takes its principles from the more general counseling learning approach developed by Charles A. Curran, believed that away to deal with the fears of students is for teachers to become ‘Language Counselor”. A language counselor means someone who is a skillful understander of the struggle students’ face in learning another language. Teachers must be understanding their students and being sensitive to them because this feeling can give students’ positive energy. Besides that, in this method advises teachers to consider their students as ‘whole persons’ that means not only their students’ intellect but also have understanding of relationship to the students. The goals of this method are for students to learn how to use the target language communicatively as whole persons, valuing both thoughts and feelings. The teacher’s initial role is primarily that of a counselor, he/she recognizes how threatening a new situation and focuses not only the language but also on being supporti...

The Police Corruption in Britain

2.1 Definition of Crime All of the offences carry fines or the possibility of imprisonment. So there is an assumption that crimes are acts that are codified in law; in this case a law that has been created, policed and enforced by the UK state (the police, the criminal justice system, parliament, the Home Office, etc.). Crimes are acts which break the law of the land. Think of this as the legal definition of crime. What is a crime? Based on the Oxford English Dictionary sees things in a more complex light than the legal definition of crime. The OED defines crime as: An act punishable by law, as being forbidden by statute or injurious to the public welfare … An evil or injurious act; an offence, sin; esp. of a grave character. On the other hand, crimes can be thought of as acts which break the law – the legal definition of crime. On the other hand, crimes are acts which can offend against a set of norms like a moral code – the normative definition of crime. So, the two meanings of cri...


Introduction Celce-Murcia (1991) calls an affective-humanistic approach, an approach in which there is respect for students’ feelings. The originator of this method, Georgi Lozanov, believes as does Silent Way’s Caleb Gattegno, that language learning can occur at a much faster than ordinarily transpires. ‘Dessugestopedia’, the application of the study of suggestion to pedagogy, has been developed to help students eliminate the feeling that they cannot be successful or the negative association they may have toward studying and, thus, to help them overcome the barriers to learning. The Principles of Dessugestopedia 1. Learning is facilitated in a cheerful environment, so students can learn from what is present in the environment. 2. Students will accept and retain information if they trust and respect the teacher, that recognize that learner bring certain psychological barriers. 3. Assuming a new identity enhances students’ feeling of security and allows them to be more open. 4. The dial...

Comparison between Audio-Llingual Method and The Silent Way

The audio-lingual method, like the Direct Method we have just examined, is also an oral-based approach.the Audio-lingual method drills students in the use of grammatical sentence also, unlike the Direct Method, has a strong theoretical base in linguistics and psychology. The most important in Audio-Lingual Method Language learning based on habit formation. the more often something is repeated. the stronger the habit and the greater the learning. New vocabulary and structural patterns are presented through dialogs. The dialogs are learned through imitation and repetition.The purpose of this method is to form habit formation and speaking the target language automatically. Although people did learn languages through the Audio-lingual method, one problem with it was students inability to readily transfer the habits they had mastered in the classroom to communicative use outside it. The goals of this method is students should be able to use the language for self-expression-to e...


Walau banyak rintang yang menghadang jalanku... Walau banyak tantangan yang harus kuhadapi... Walau kaki ku kadang lelah untuk melangkah... Walau banyak kerikil tajam yang menantap di kaki ku... Namun kucoba terus selusuri jalan-Mu... Hingga peluh kuterima... Hingga sisa-sisa napasku... Diujung perjalananku, ku percaya Kau selalu menemaniku... Hingga habis masaku...


THE DIRECT METHOD Introduction Direct Method was revived as a method when the goal of instruction became learning how to use a foreign language to communicate. Because the Grammar-Translation Method was not very effective in preparing students to use the target language communicatively. The Direct Method has one basic rule : No translation is allowed. In this method, use of demonstration and visual aids. Experience The lesson is entitled 'Looking at a Map', as the students are called on one by one, they read a sentence from the reading passage at the beginning of the lesson. After the students finish reading the passage, they are asked if they have any questions. If students asked, so the teacher with drawing or gesture to make students understand. Thinking about the Experience 1.Reading in target language should be taught from the beginning of language instruction. Language is primarily speech. Culture consists of more than the fine arts. 2.Teachers use realia or picture as ob...


THE GRAMMAR-TRANSLATION METHOD Introduction The Grammar-Translation Method was called the Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical language, Latin and Greek ( Chastain 1988 ). This method was used for the purpose of helping students read and appreciate foreign language literature. It was also hoped that, through the study of grammar of the target language, students would become more familiar with the grammar of their native language and that this familiarity would help them speak and write their native language better. Experience The class reading a passage in their text book, entitled 'The Boy's Ambition' from Mark Twain's Life on the Mississippi. Each students is called on to read a few lines from the passage. After they have finished reading, they are asked to translate into Spanish the few lines they have just read. The teacher helps them with new vocabulary items. Announcing the next activity, the teacher asks the students to turn t...

Only God Knows

Jika ada dari kata-kata ku yang salah, maka maafkanlah............... Jika ada dari diriku yang tidak kau sukai, maka maklumilah............... Jika ada dari sikapku yang kurang berkenan, maka mengertilah............... Jika ada dari ucapanku yang menyakiti, maka ampunilah.................. Jika ada dari segala perbuatanku yang tidak baik, maka pahamilah................... Jika ada dari hidupku yang membebanimu, maka ikhlaskanlah................. Hanya Tuhan yang akan membalasnya... Dan hanya Tuhan yang tahu....

No Title, No Meaning!!!

Serumah, tapi tak ramah Sekota, tapi tak berkata-kata Katanya Sobat, tapi tak bersahabat Banyak yang bilang, Banyak yang ngaku, Teman, tapi kalau lagi ada maunya aja... Banyak yang baik, Banyak yang dekat, Banyak yang menghisap, Banyak juga yang menjilat.... Apa iya teman itu orang yang dekat Apa iya musuh itu orang yang benci teman,teman,teman,mantre.. musuh,musuh,suhmu,suhmu.. it's so complicated life!!! isn't it?