Comparison between Audio-Llingual Method and The Silent Way
The audio-lingual method, like the Direct Method we have just examined, is also an oral-based approach.the Audio-lingual method drills students in the use of grammatical sentence also, unlike the Direct Method, has a strong theoretical base in linguistics and psychology. The most important in Audio-Lingual Method Language learning based on habit formation. the more often something is repeated. the stronger the habit and the greater the learning. New vocabulary and structural patterns are presented through dialogs. The dialogs are learned through imitation and repetition.The purpose of this method is to form habit formation and speaking the target language automatically. Although people did learn languages through the Audio-lingual method, one problem with it was students inability to readily transfer the habits they had mastered in the classroom to communicative use outside it. The goals of this method is students should be able to use the language for self-expression-to express their thought, perceptions, and feelings.In order to do this, they need to develop independence from the teacher, to develop their own inner criteria for correctness. Students become independent by relying on themselves. The teacher, therefore, should give them only what they absolutely need to promote their learning. This situation is different with audio-lingual method where in the audio-lingual method the teacher has a role as a model for students.The learning process of the silent way is students begin their study of the language through its basic building blocks, its sounds. These are introduced through a language-specific sound-color chart. Relying on what sounds students already know from their knowledge of their native language, teachers lead their students to associate the sounds of the target language with particular colors. Later, these same colors are used to help students learn the spellings that correspond to the sounds and how to read and pronounce words properly.
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